Celebrate Lamoille Canyon wtth Art

Capture Life’s Memories

Gather with like-minded artists, aspiring artists, & outdoor enthusiasts. Spend the morning working on art and the afternoon, picnicking with your companions in beautiful Lamoille Canyon. Elevate your art, pun intended.


Friends of the Ruby Mountains and Elko County Art Club invite you to spend the day practicing your art while enjoying the company of other community artists. This is a free event, welcoming all mediums and styles. This is not a class, it is you and your art supplies, enjoying others doing the same. All mediums are welcome and if you would like to dabble in something you don’t have, you can source them through Elko County Art Club. There will be team leaders for photography and possibly for other mediums.

Celebrate Lamoille with Art Registration Form
Register for the upcoming Saturday October 7, 2023 gathering of artists to Celebrate Lamoille Canyon with Art.