The Elko County Art Club will award a $1,000.00 scholarship to a graduating senior. This scholarship is granted to a student graduating from an Elko County School District High School, Combined School, or Home/Online Studies who is planning to continue in some form of art education. The scholarship can be used toward tuition, books and supplies directly associated with art classes.
Applicants are required to:
Submit this completed and signed application in person or online, including:
- Applicant information
- Applicant/Parent/Guardian/Teacher Contact information
- Written recommendation from a teacher
Paperwork can be submitted in one of the following ways:
- completed and delivered in-person to ECAC at 407 Railroad Street, Elko, NV
- completed and emailed to [subject line – Scholarship] or
- online
Submit their art ready to display:
Artwork to be hung needs to be suitably framed. Those three dimensional pieces to be displayed should be stable enough to do so.
Artwork must be original and not copied and completed during the current school year.
Artwork needs to be submitted with the following paperwork (A representative for the applicant can submit their artwork):
- Artwork Release form, and
- Artwork Submission form
Judging will be by a panel of artists selected from the Elko County Art Club membership.
These are the judging guidelines we will be using:
- Each piece should be judged based on the 4 categories.
- Each category has up to a 5 point value.
- Total points that can be earned are 20.
- Art will be blind judged. Each artists’ 3 pieces of work will be assigned the same number for judging.
- Artists will be judged based on the total score of all 3 pieces of work submitted.
- Point Guide:
0= didn’t qualify
1= poor
2= shows some proficiency
3= average proficiency
4= good proficiency
5=outstanding proficiency
Categories used to Judge:
USE OF THE MEDIA: Has the artist shown a proficiency in the media used?
COMPOSITION: Has the artist used the space in an appealing manner that contributes to the piece and makes it interesting? Does the artist show a knowledge of the use of color, value, or tones in the piece (This also applies to black and white.)? In the case of 3 dimensional pieces is the piece visually interesting from all angles? Has the artist used color and materials in a pleasing manner that improves the art? Is the piece balanced?
SUBJECT: Is the subject interesting, eye-catching or relevant?
PRESENTATION: Is the piece presented in a manner that improves the appearance of the art? Art must be framed. ECAC has some supplies available to help if students need matting or framing materials.
Pickup their artwork at Northeastern Nevada Museum following the exhibition in May.
Important Information
- The Exhibition will be at the Elko County School District Art Show at the Northeastern Nevada Museum, 1515 Idaho Street Elko.
- The winner will be announced on the opening day of the Elko County School District Art Show at the Northeastern Nevada Museum.
- Students are strongly advised to attend and parents/guardians, friends and teachers are invited to attend the reception.
- Each Applicant will receive an ECAC membership for a year.
- Schools can include university, college, technical school or other continuing education.
- A check will be sent to the school on behalf of the student, to be used for tuition, books and supplies, once the student provides the information requested below.
The Scholarship Recipient is required to:
- Enroll in at least one (1) art class at the selected school.
- Provide ECAC’s Treasurer with the selected school’s student scholarship department contact information, and
- A copy of the students upcoming class schedule.
Contact Information:
Phone: 775-753-8170
Location: 407 Railroad Street, Elko, NV 89801
Facebook: @ElkoCountyArtClub
Instagram: @ElkoArtClub